Wesley In Thailand

I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand. This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the Peace Corps or the United States government.

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Years in Pai

On New Years my friend Merissa, a peace corps volunteer located in Chiang Mai, and I went to a city called Pai, pernounced like pie, in the province of Mae Hong Son. This is a far north province in Thailand. It was such a great weekend. It was also surprisingly cold as we had to wear coats all weekend and even bought scarves to wear in the morning and night. As its very hot in my province its surprising when you can see your own breath. Pai is located in a valley in the mountains and is very scenic as you can see. It has a very large farang, the word for foreigners (really white people), population. Most of the farang living here are very hippy and very different. Infact, I would say that if you dont fit in anywhere else in the world, this seemed like the city you go to be as crazy ding dong freaky as you want to be.

This picture is a great example of the people that live in Pai. This woman had a shaved head and wore layers and layers of white all weekend while constantly carrying a large bottle of water balanced on her head. Once, we saw her in a cafe where even then she had it just balanced on her head as she relaxed and had a cup of coffee.

This is a picture of Merissa and I on our last day in Pai!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

B. Wesley: We really enjoyed your pics. You look like you are adapting quite well. Stay safe.

Sally and Mike McCoy

7:20 AM  

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