Wesley In Thailand

I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand. This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the Peace Corps or the United States government.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

I read so much that I have decided to do book reviews on the books I read. I know that I am always looking for good selections to read as well...but unfortunatly, I dont have a very big selection of books to choose from, or places to buy books in English close to me.
Anyway, The book I read this past week was the devil wears prada. It was about a woman who works as the personal assistant to the biggest person in fashion in the world. It was smart, funny, and a very easy read. This has to be one of my favorite pieces of fiction I have ever read. I couldnt put the book down. It is also coming to the movie theatres next month, and looks really good. I suggest you read the book before seeing the movie because you will have an appreciation for how much you are going to hate the boss.


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