Rice...people generally buy their rice in bulk out of bins like this, these are all different kinds of rice...bet you didnt think there were this many kinds of white rice, oh but there are many more!

Roots, Caphier Limes, and the red things are banana flowers...they grow on the end of a bunch of banana and make a great salad!

Lots of Veggies

The soda cart...I always buy a soda from this lady...its soda the old way where you choose a flavor syrup and then they put the soda water in it...you see them traveling around town sometimes...Way good!

These are pumpkins in Thailand...very different from our pumkins.
The pumpkins look a lot like some of our squash and they are in the pumpkin family........what all kinds of things do you buy when you go to the market.....wow you are so lucky to have all these fresh fruits and veggies available to you....I am so jealous!!!
I was in Thailand XV from '66-'68--how things have changed! I lived about an hour up the river from Bangkok (Bangyaii, Nontaburii)--no electricity you could count on--no running water--house on stilts--squat john--collected water to drink as run-off from the roof and then boiled it--kerosene lanterns at night--didn't need alarm clocks--roosters woke me up every AM.
Very different, no? I just went back to visit and was really taken aback by the changes--only the food, Singha, and the gentle wonderful people hadn't changed.
Thanks for the great pictures. I'm glad that life is seems great for you and that you do not have to deal with the dreaded squat john.
My years in Thailand influenced me in the best possible way and my PC group (we had a 30th reunion just a while ago) agrees that it did the same for them. It's the best possible PC place to be placed, I think. Lots of luck as you continue along--chock dii, na. Sabii dii, duaj.
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