Wesley In Thailand

I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand. This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the Peace Corps or the United States government.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cats don't like to be powdered

If you go to Thailand you may be surprised to see children covered in some kind of white powder and wonder what it is and why it is there. Thai people believe it helps to keep children clean. So, everywhere you go, including in the schools, you will see children with talc powder on their faces. Here is a picture of one of my students that a teacher has powdered up. Some adults even put it on....

Some volunteers really like to put the powder on them because they believe it keeps them cool and helps soak up some of the sweat. I am not one of those volunteers, as it always gets on my clothes. I invited Becky and Julia over to my house last weekend and we decided it would be really funny to cover our selves with powder...here I am covered in talc powder.

Here Julia is covered in powder. She got the bright idea to cover her cat, Kanome who is also Eleanors baby that she brought for a visit, in powder too. I now know that cats dont like to be covered in powder...Im sure that solved a question hot on everyones minds;)


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