Wesley In Thailand

I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand. This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the Peace Corps or the United States government.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Popeye, the bird, and Dang Moo

I thought I would post pictures of the other animals in my life. This is Popeye...pernounced Bob Eye in Thai. Hes our guard dog and has a vicious bark, but I am absolutly in love with him. Hes such a sweet heart, but is still very powerful. I think hes part German Shepard..so hes a big dog.

This is the amazing bird, that I call my secretary as it always greets me. He is big talker. He always says Sawatdee Ka when someone passes her, which is what women say for hello in Thai. It also makes a noise when ever a car comes up, so its nice to know when someone is at the house. Also, it makes this funny bubbling noise like its blowing bubbles that I love. I keep trying to teach it to say hello so it can be bilingual, but that hasnt paned out yet.

This is Dang Moo and my land lords wife. Dang Moo means watermellon in Thai, which is an appropriate name for this cat because it is the fattest/ largest cat I have ever seen. It just waddles around because its so big. Mr. Ruth and him just have yowling matches with each other where they sit in front of each other and meow, but never fight. Im glad too because all this cat needs to do is sit on Mr. Ruth and he would be a gonner!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOly Cow! I didn't think that was a cat at first because it was so huge. It looks to be about as big as a good sized toddler. What are they feeding it???


2:05 AM  
Blogger Amber said...

Holy crap it's huge. I love his name!

3:48 AM  
Blogger Wesley said...

Im not feeding it anything....its my neighbors cat...they like big animals if you cant tell by their dog as well

9:36 AM  

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