My House 2

This is my bathroom. Notice the water heater I didnt know how to work for the first 8 months I was in Thailand and how the water just goes right onto the floor. This is a typical Thai bathroom, accept I dont have a squat toilet (Thank God!)

This big basin is the bucket bath. This is what I use to wash my face, brush my teeth, to flush the toilet with, and to wash myself with when my shower doesnt have water, which is frequently. I just use the bucket and dump water over my body. Notice the lack of sinks in my house anywhere! Also notice the spray hose by the toilet. Thai people dont use toilet paper, and in above average bathrooms(in below average there is just a basin of water and they use their hands) they have these to wash their bottoms with, Im totally installing one of these into my bathroom when I get back!

Notice the orange and yellow tubs on my table. This is how I wash dishes. I keep my dishes in them and then haul water into them and wash them. That door is also where I come in and out of.
What no scorpions or centipedes in the pictures???? How disappointing
but I am glad to finally get it in my mind where the kitchen and bathroom are off the living room, now that I see the door it makes more sense.
Your house is huge! The bathroom definitly scares me and so does the bat room. I'm kinda disappointed there weren't any creatures in any of the pictures as well.
Oh yeah, I forgot. I don't think the hat that baby is wearing is dorky. I think it's cute and it makes the outfit! You don't have to find one exactly like that one, but some kind of Thai hat for Noah to wear with his outfit or whenever I want him to wear it. He's going to wear a lot of hats.
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