Wesley In Thailand

I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand. This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the Peace Corps or the United States government.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A world in yellow

Many of you may have heard about the kings anniverery of his inaguration to the crown. This month the king will have reigned over Thailand for 60 years...longer than any other living ruler. If he lives 7 more years he will have reigned over a kingdom longer than anyone in recorded history. To show their respect everyone has been wearing yellow, which is the kings color. Here are some pictures of random people in the market place.

Here are more people in yellow.

Here is a store where they are selling yellow shirts. Its really amazing to see everyone supporting the king by wearing yellow. The peoples love for the king is extremly evident the second you enter Thailand, and it is really heart warming to see just how much they really do love their King. But, it is a little odd to see everyone everywhere you go wearing yellow.


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