Im unofficially a Buckey!

Ok many of you know I have waited for months and months and months to hear from OSU about graduate school. I started working on my application letter back in August and had everything sent in by the end of September. The due date for my application was not until December 1st. Well, December came and went...and so did January, February, and half of March. I was starting to get really nervous as my friend Emily had found out she got into Yale at the beginning of February....which by the way congratulations girl!( There is a link to her website under peace corp blogs...she is going to become a midwife!) So Ive been griping about not finding out for months now and my anxiety level has slowly gone up. I had already changed my address from Thailand to my home address, with worries that I would get the letter and I wouldn't be here anymore, and had told my Mom to keep a look out for any letters from OSU. Today was my last day at my last school and I was preparing to leave when I got a phone call. It was my Mom. Now this is very unusual because she usually calls me on Tuesday evenings...never on Thursdays and never in the morning. She called to tell me she had called OSU and they still hadn't sent out the acceptance letters, but that I had been accepted! Hallelujah! This has been one of the biggest stresses in my life. One, because I had only applied to one school....and if I didn't get in, what would I do? Two, I didn't want to come home to everyone asking me " So Wesley what will you be doing now" and my answer being " Well Ive applied for a masters program at OSU". So as you can believe I was jumping for joy! My major will be foreign and second language education with an emphasis on English as a second language. What that basically means is I will be learning how to teach people English who come to the US and are non-native English speakers. So watch out OSU...cause here I come...GO BUCKS!
Congratulation...u make it......
LOL. ; )
rama lama lama ka ding a da ding da dong
shoo bop shoo wada wada yippity dip da boop
chang chang changity chang sha bop
dip da dip da dip doo op da dooby doo
boogedy boogedy boggedy boogedy
forgot the rest....well, CONGRATS! (even though we already talked!!)
Yeah Wes! We get to be grad students together! I can get you ready for students who speak Koine Greek or Hebrew:) Well, I won't be much help, but I promise to be up at 2a studying for finals with ya in December. Congratulations!
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