Good Bye Kanome and DaoHoo

This past weekend Kanome and DaoHoo went to their new homes. Kanome is the girl and it is the Thai word for sweets. The boys name was going to be Stevey, but their is no "v" sound in the Thai language. I suggested we changed his name and we thought DaoHoo was really cute, which is the word for Tofu in Thai. Giving them up was a lot harder than I thought, as I have really gotten attached to them. It made me think of giving up my own cats, when I leave Thailand, and that will be even harder!

Here is Bom with his new child DaoHoo. At least I can visit them when I want to. will be missed!
I am sure you will miss these little guys but will be nice that you can visit them. They are starting to take on more characteristics of Mr. can see longer hair on them and their tail, etc.
But they sure are adorable....I HAD beautiful grandcats!!!!
They are so cute! I agree with your mom that they look more like Mr. Ruth now. Are you not bringing Mr. Ruth home with you next year?
No...I figure a cat is a cat...I love him a lot, but it would be a lot of hassle and quarentining and he would just be unhappy. If I had a dog I would do it, as its a lot of work to train a dog...but cats a generally the same all over the world by nature. I will find homes for them before I leave so it will all be ok.
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