Another episode of bathroom battles. On this week: Toilet Hose VS. giant lizard
Exhibit A

exhibit B
So last night I came home from Chiang Mai. I had wanted to take a shower and Eleanor was in the bathroom looking under the water basin. I thought... oh no, now whats in my bathroom. I started to take a shower and nothing came out from under the basin, so I just forgot about it. This morning I had to drain the basin, as sometimes dirt deposits start to form at the bottom...when a lizard, refer to exhibit B, about a foot long pokes his head out from under my water basin. Im was not sure how I was going to get him out of my bathroom. So I do the first thing that comes to my head. I get my toilet hose, refer to exhibit A, and moved the water basin a bit. I started spraying water everywhere trying to get this thing out of my bathroom. Finally, after about a half hour I manage to corner the lizard. I carefully open my bathroom door and blast it until it crawled into my kitchen. I then closed the bathroom door hoping that it wont be able to get back in. Final score: Toilet Hose 1, lizard 0.