Tiny Bubbles

I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand. This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the Peace Corps or the United States government.
So In my immense free time I have been doing a lot of cooking and experimenting with food. I havnt been overly succesful in my tries, but I made a dish recently that is sooo yummy delicious I wanted to share it with everyone.
I would like to draw attention to a fact that everyone already is aware of: I am not a good driver, thus I am not a good cyclist. This is a fact I am aware of and try to work on. Because of this fact, and because I am required by Peace Corps to ride a bicycle, and because I live in a city with busy streets I like to keep my eyes directly on whats in front of me. So like I said, today I was riding my bike home from aerobics and out of the corner of my eye I see something huge. I quickly turned my head, and in what seemed to be slow motion a large adult female elephant was heading straight at me. The roads here are not that wide and the traffic was rather busy so it was doing a good gallop towards me. As I hear the trainer riding on it yell something at me in Thai, my years worth of building up my leg muscles from having to ride a bike kick into action and I rode my bike like never before, almost riding into a motorcycle that didn't see me as it was trying to get around the elephant as well. Luckily, I am still alive to write this story, I am not kidding, this has literally been one of the scariest moments of my life. Thus, I have decided to try and install elephant crossing signs into the streets of Kampangphet. This has been a true story of when elephants go wild.